BW-72B Lens Hood : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
I'm interested in acquiring one of these for my 35-105 f/3.5 zoom lens. I would purchase or perhaps swap. I have an extra BW-72 hood which I don't need. It fits the 17mm f/4, the 20mm f/2.8, the 24mm f/1.4L, the 20-35 f/3.5L, and the 28-85 f/4. If you have any of these lenses and require the Canon hood, perhaps we can work something out.
-- James Malo (, April 19, 2002
Re: BW-72B Hood...I picked one of these up lately from He still had some,even new in box...expensive though.
-- Neil OD (, April 22, 2002.
Humm...can't find a could that be or some such????In any event, I too am interested in locating a BW-72b.
-- Don Curtis (, April 24, 2002.
Don.. that would be ; forgot the 's'
-- Neil OD (, April 25, 2002.
i got one from yesterday. he can only take paypal. his english is hard to understand so you may want to email him. he is quick to reply.good luck
-- dew (, April 28, 2002.