conon eos ix lite body : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I'm interested in purchasing a eos lite and wanted to know what is the advanced photo system that this small camera uses and is it a good camera to own.

-- eric gooden (, April 24, 2002


The "advanced photo system" means that it takes APS film, so the most important thing you must decide is if you want to use this type of film. Without getting into long arguments, the advantages of APS over 35mm are that it is smaller (so the cameras can be physically smaller), easier to load, and records information from the camera, such as the type of lighting and camera settings, which can be used by the processors to improve the prints; the disadvantages are that the smaller negative means lower quality prints at anything above "snapshot" size, and the cost of film and processing is often more than for 35mm. So, personally, whereas it's probably great for compacts, I can't see the point in using this type of film in an SLR. But if you like the camera enough, go ahead and buy it - if you later decide you don't like APS you can still use the lenses and buy a "normal" EOS camera to mount them on instead.

-- Jeremy (, April 27, 2002.

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