Near New 35mm summilux F1.4 M ASPH, painfully sell at $1359 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

FS: Near New 35mm summilux F1.4 M ASPH (Chrome Version) with hood, leather case and box, gray market, just have it for few month and few rolls on it. all lens and cosmatic are prefect. no difference compare with band new. $1359.00 Sell it because of personal cash issue. Any one interest in this, for this price, please act quick.

-- (, April 24, 2002


Sorry to hear about the $$$ shortage. It is a great lens and I hope you have exhausted all other funding possibilities before considering this.

-- Kristian (, April 24, 2002.

I'll give you 300 quid,final offer.I'd take it if I was you,before they come and repo' your house.

-- Phil the Kind (, April 25, 2002.

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