What is best to use on diary goats for lice?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

This is the worst year for lice on goats in Oklahoma, what is best way to treat aboth a 100 head at a time?

-- Venoma Lee Johnson (Venomalee@aol.com), April 25, 2002


Chickens...our neighbor uses a chicken tractor in the field of sheep to eat the lice.

-- julie (jbritt@ceva.net), April 25, 2002.

I was going to say powder them until I noticed the 100 head at a time!!! A couple of times I have had trouble with them and I just clipped them all and powdered them. The barns all need to be cleaned out and fumigated etc. to really get rid of them, but powder does get the numbers down.

-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), April 25, 2002.

Cattle people around here rig up a hanging feed bag (burlap type) filled with powder at the animals back height in the door of the barn. When the animals come through to feed it rubs down their backs. Maybe that would work for you! Cara

-- Cara Dailey (daileyd@agalis.net), April 25, 2002.

I have used pour on synergized lice, you can order it from Jeffers Livestock Supply, or maybe get it at your feed store. You just pour on like 2 ounces down the back line of the goat and it gets rid of them in like 2 days. You can scald their back if you aren't careful, there hair will fall out then. You don't have to repeat it usually, if lice is bad, you will have to repeat it to kill the eggs that may hatch next. Good luck! Check out chevontalk@yahoogroups.com, they are a list groups that answers all kinds of questions and gives loads of information.

-- Sheila Anderson (cascadenorth@yahoo.com), April 26, 2002.

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