Someone use the new LEICA FINDER 21-24-28....? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I would like to know if someone use the new LEICA finder 21-24-28. I had the chance to try it at a show in Montréal, and I found it not very useful. Even without my eyeglasses it was not possible to see the limit corner of the frame. At 28 position I did not see frame of the picture....All technical considerations are welcome....Jean-Pierre Auger.

-- Jean-Pierre Auger (, April 25, 2002


I don't find the finder useful either. Besides the problem you mentioned about not able to see the entire frame with glasses, its shape and size prevent the use of a flash next to it on a double-shoe- -that's a disappointment as I use fill-flash a lot in my photography.

-- Hoyin Lee (, April 25, 2002.

I agree with the above. I use the .58s and the 24MM lens is covered by the whole viewfinder on the camera, the 28Mm is well-framed in the viewfinder as well. For the 21MM I use the 21MM viewfinder which has a level (superglued by me)attached.

-- Ned Learned (, April 25, 2002.

I just saw one at a Leica Day here in Ottawa. I was surprised by how much I disliked the view through it. Wearing glasses seems to cause a major problem in finding the edges of the image. Much as I dislike brightline finders, I much prefer them to this thing.

-- Paul Chefurka (, April 25, 2002.

Got the new viewfinder a month ago and love it for one reason...IT TAKES LEICA DIOPTERS! I have no problem seeing the frame lines at all. I use a 1.5X Diopter on my Ms, and this is the first time I've had a clear view of what I am shooting when using my 21mm/2.8 ASPH.

--Marc Williams

-- Marc Williams (, April 25, 2002.

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