Old Countryside and Harrowsmith magsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread |
I am giving a false email address straight up. I personally do not have time to answer or 'catch up' with the forum when I get home to answer emails or figure out who wins. I am just like everyone else here at this forum, I wish nothing more than to be able to stay home every day and spend my time doing things for our family. However, situations stand that this is not possible right now, and I have to work off the farm. We have joined ebay--no matter how wonderful or awful it is--to try to profit and accomplish this matter. My morals/ethics say I should let you all know that I have put out several ads in ebay for older Countryside and Harrowsmith magazines. I know you folks are the ones that will care the most and feel I should let you know. Administrator, if you feel this is inappropriate then please delete quickly, as I do not want to upset anyone.
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2002