Where can I get a Hexar RF body only?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Does anyone know where I could purchase a Hexar RF body only? I'm not interested in the kit.

I'd consider a used one if it was in primo condition with an aligned rangefinder.

Thanks for the help.

-- Jim Tardio (jimtardio@earthlink.net), April 26, 2002


eBay is probably the easiest/fastest. Where ever you get one make sure to have MBG for at least a week so you can thoroughly test the camera. cheers,

-- pat (modlabs@yahoo.com), April 26, 2002.

Its available body only in the UK. Is it not in the USA?

-- Tim Franklin (tim_franklin@mac.com), April 26, 2002.

B&H and Adorama have the Hexar RF body for sale. But the difference from the kit cost is so rediculously small, that you probably are better off buying the kit and selling the items you don't need.

-- Alexandewr Grekhov (grekhov@wgukraine.com), April 26, 2002.

Adorama has them--I think for $974.

-- Chris Chen (Wash., DC) (furcafe@NOSPAMcris.com), April 26, 2002.

This was posted on the Hexar RF list the other day... Cameraland is selling Refurb Hexar RF bodies 599 Hexar RF kit 799 212-753-5128


-- bill barton (wbill@bellatlantic.net), April 26, 2002.


I just got off the phone with "Doug" at Cameraland in NY. He told me he would sell me the Hexar RF body only for $699.00 Comes with the one year Konica Warranty and you can purchase the Konica extra two years warranty for $39.99.

He says these are not necessarily refurbished units, but most likely returned units/unsold new merchandise. I purchased mine a year ago as a kit from Kenmore Camera in Seattle area at it was completely new.

Class B stock is the actual refurbished camera's. "Doug" says the Cameraland stock is the original stuff, not class B.

Anyways, the rumored price of $599 wasn't true as of this morning. It's $699 for the body only. A very fair price, but not necessarily a great price. I have followed the price of Hexar RF bodies on ebay for a while and used one's fetch between $650 and $800.

-- David Smith (dssmith3@rmci.net), April 27, 2002.

Thanks for the info guys. I'll check it all out.

-- Jim Tardio (jimtardio@earthlink.net), April 27, 2002.

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