A few images (first M6 shoot)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I had gotten the M6 and four lenses from Godfrey the morning before, and decided to try it out on my bud's friend. This was shot with the 50 Summicron wide open, on TMAX 3200 (it was either that or TMAX 100, which would not have worked).

All comments welcome!

PS, Godfrey is now the proud owner of a 903SWC!

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), April 26, 2002


I like the shots, but the grain is a bit distracting. Was 3200 necessary? Did you try 800 or 1600?

I realize these are test shots, but your model would be more flattered with a smoother pic.

-- Preston Merchant (merchant@speakeasy.org), April 26, 2002.

I only had a roll of 3200, and a roll of 100 - and the 100 was just not going to make it. I shot at about 1/60 and 1/125 wide open, so the 100 would have been way too slow for hand holding the camera.

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), April 26, 2002.

Whoops... yes it was rated @ 1600!

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), April 26, 2002.

Tough conditions--your shots came out well!

-- Preston Merchant (merchant@speakeasy.org), April 26, 2002.

I'm curious as to whether you processed the film, or someone else did. I'm going to stick my foot in my mouth, and haphazard a guess that someone else did. While the general mood and composition of the shots is nice, quite frankly, the processing sucks, big time, doing the model, the photos, and you, no favors.

-- Glenn Travis (leicaddict@hotmail.com), April 26, 2002.

yeah.. you guessed it Travis. The local fuji/scan lab did it. I know, even the scans are terrible. If you want to see some of the higher res (and better scans) www.

Even the flubs are there (oof, bad expression etc)

However, this was a very impromptu shoot, literally first thing in the morning when she came over before work, so all is not riding on the final result. I'd have much preferred good old tri-x for this, and a bit more light (later in the morning, as it was all window skylight).

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), April 26, 2002.

Charles, I would suggest that unless your willing to put in the effort to at least develop your own b&w negs (an easy 15 min chore at the kitchen sink,) that you stick to one of the C-41 emulsions.

-- Glenn Travis (leicaddict@hotmail.com), April 27, 2002.

Glen... I normally would be doing my own, and have done so for years, up to 4x5.

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), April 27, 2002.

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