saying "Summi" is meaningless : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Well, not quite meaningless: at least we can tell you're not talking about an Elmar, Elmarit, or Noctilux. If you're going to abbreviate, do it with something like "cron" or "lux", not "summi". Sorry, a pet peeve.

-- Ken Geter (, April 26, 2002


Yes, that has been bothering me as well. Thanks for bringing it up.

-- Luke Dunlap (, April 26, 2002.

On the other hand, is a 50 'Lux a "Summi" or a "Nocti"?

Yeah, I'm a smart ass. So Summi!

-- Andy Piper (, April 26, 2002.

I guess you are referring to me, when I said "Summi". Well kiss my Summi BUTT guys! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard- something that gives Leica owners that snobish stigma!!!

-- Kristian (, April 27, 2002.

Oh yeah,.....Andy that was a good one :-)

-- Kristian (, April 27, 2002.

Kristian sniped: "I guess you are referring to me, when I said "Summi". Well kiss my Summi BUTT guys! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard- something that gives Leica owners that snobish stigma!!!"

Oh, right, as if saying "Summi" or Summicron, Summilux, Elmar, etc., instead of f/2, f/1.4, f/4, etc., like the rest of the photo world doesn't express some "snobish" pose on its own.

Go shine 'em up, boys, your cameras are getting dusty.

-- George T. (, April 27, 2002.

The only people I ever heard say "Summi", and refered to other items in a similar fashion, were Americans.

-- Joe Blow (, April 27, 2002.

Ken and Luke:

I couldn't resist the opportunity you gave me - but I take your point regarding the - ambiguity - of the "Summi" nickname.

OTOH, back before I knew better I used to (affectionately) refer to 'crons of all focal lengths as "Some-are-crummies". =8^o

-- Andy Piper (, April 28, 2002.

George T, as my gear is gathering dust as I type, so is yours. Think before making a ridiculous comment, then it may not be, well .....ridiculous!

Joe, I am not American, but I think that it wasn't quite nice to say what you did, implying something of a ngeative nature against Americans. And joe, isn't there something you can do with your surname? Some of the "snobish cron-lux members" may need some relief after being traumatised by my slanderous language, "Summi"....oh there I go again.

And obviously Ken and others, you knew what I was referring to, so what's the big deal anyway.

PS: not trying to start a war...just having some fun! :-)

-- Kristian (, April 28, 2002.

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