Schneider Tele-Arton 250: is it a good lens? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Though an old design for press cameras (just big enough image circle for 4X5), this lens is still available new with multicoating. Ignoring the issue of limited movements, how good is this lens?

-- Mark Nowaczynski (, April 27, 2002


It has been pointed out to me that the 250 Tele-Arton S is a new offering for the Linhof 617 Technorama. This implies that it is a decent lens, or Linhof would not mate it to one of their top selling cameras, and that its image circle is probably greater that specified. It is certainly more than adequate for 4X5, especially at closer (portrait) distances.

-- Mark Nowaczynski (, April 28, 2002.

It has also been pointed out to me that the 250 Tele-Arton is the longest lens offered for the 4X5 Aero-Technika, a system used for very exacting outcomes...

-- Mark Nowaczynski (, April 28, 2002.

it is a good lens.

Sharp, it doesn't have the contrast that a symmar-s has, but it is a good lens for poirttrature. I have used it for years, It all depends on what you are looking for in a lens.

I have always thought Germans are better in making lenses, because although they hold important sharpness in a lens, they also know that " ultimate sharpness " and " perfection " can be too clinical. They understand that photographers have different needs.

-- domenicco (, April 28, 2002.

Apparently this lens has recently been revamped by Schneider, as one can see its cosmetic changes on their German website.

-- Mark Nowaczynski (, May 02, 2002.

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