Strawberry boxes..where to find? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi..hope everyone is having a great weekend. I was moving my strawberry plants..there are so many this year that I will never be able to use them all. I was wondering..where do you get those boxes..then I could sell at the farmers market. And do I need a scales? How much are the strawberries where you live?

Thank you so much for any info...Sher

-- Sher in se Iowa (, April 28, 2002


d&l growers suplly in leola pa i think has um

-- Grizz workin near D.C. (, April 28, 2002.


I get my boxes at our local Farmers' Union. Any farm supply type store should have them. Around here most hardware stores sell them as well. As far as a scale, you shouldn't need one if you are selling the berries by volume ( quart, pint, ect.). You should only need scales if you are selling by the pound instead of by volume. Much easier to do it by volume. Just make sure to try to fill all of your boxes fairly evenly. I get $3.00 a quart for strawberries at the farmers' market and always sell out of them before noon. Some of the vendors at our market get $3.50 with no problem but so far I'm happy with $3.00.

-- Murray in ME (, April 28, 2002.

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