moisture level for worm beds : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi all, Now that the beds are framed in under the rabbits I need to no how much moisture worms need. Is the manure and urine from the rabbits enough or do I need to add more water? I am new to the worm thing so all advice is appreciated.

-- tracy (, April 28, 2002


My mother in law lived in a dry climate and she tried to keep the beds damp but not soggy. They got sprinkled more or less when the lawn did.

-- Terri (, April 28, 2002.

Tracy, I give the worm beds a light spray when I water the rabbits,just make sure the beds have good drainage. Daryll

-- Daryll in NW FLA (, April 28, 2002.

75% moisture saturation is generally accepted a center scale.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 29, 2002.

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