looking for a zoom for canon AL-1

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I have a canon AL-1 camera that my daughter has taken an interest in. She wants to use the pictures in a scrap book that she is making. she wants to be able to be able to zoom in on her subjects. So what inexpensive lens should I be looking for? Thanks for your help.


-- cheryl ess (stingess@hotmail.com), April 28, 2002



For an inexpensive zoom, I'd look for a Vivitar Series One 70-210 F3.5. Make sure it's the constant aperature F3.5. You can generally find them in excellent condition for <$100US.

However, if she really takes an interest in photography, I wouldn't hesitate to get her a Canon 50 F1.4 or F1.8. Dirt cheap, tack sharp, very bright-- will allow her to shoot indoors sans flash and will teach her more about composition and framing that using a zoom would.

HTH, Joe T.

-- Joseph Tomkiewicz (joe@marvindog.com), May 02, 2002.

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