week of April 29

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

How is almost MAY? Lordy lordy.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2002


Time flies ...

T, how are you holding up? Please tell me the time leading up to the wedding is not just one big bundle of stress. Please?

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2002

FINALLY the site is back up. Man is that annoying.

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2002

Mike, I don't think she's going to be able to tell you that. I am stressed right now, and I don't even have any reason to be.

Oh, by the way, Jo Lowe said she "found (my) perfect wedding dress!"

Uh... huh.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Okay. I just emailed everyone that I had previously mailed or emailed my resume too. I'm so sick of not working. Being a Lady of Leisure sucks.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2002

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