Indian Fantail Pigeons; bachelors need new home! : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread

We have two unpaired male Indian Fantail pigeons in need of a good home. Will trade for banty hen, guinea, or ? Located in So MN.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2002


Hey scotsirish, where are you located in so Minn? Anywhere near Albert Lea? What color are your birds? I'm interested in whites. I tried e-mailing you but it appears I might have a virus and couldn't get thru. Let me know if you still have them. Thanks john

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2002

Nancy: Thanks for the e-mail. I live in Wisconsin but am hoping to be in the Albert Lea area within the next two or three weeks. As to what I have to trade I have a Solarizing Your Home book or Practical Photovoltaics I'd part with. There may be some other books I'd consider. Let me know your interests.

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2002

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