Canon Speedlite 155A repair guide : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I have a Speedlite 155A which does not work, the only symptom being that nothing happens when I turn it on. (Yes, I've put in new batteries!) Can anyone direct me to a repair manual or at least tell me how to open the case so I can check it out myself?

-- Scott DePriest (, May 02, 2002


I haven't a clue, but be careful, as there is a potential danger from the large charges/voltages produced inside (OK, not so great if it hasn't been powered up in ages), I don't think they were ever intended to be user-servicable. Also, unless you're experienced at repairing electronic items, how are you going to know what's wrong, once you have opened it up? So, basically, why bother when replacements are so cheap?

-- Jeremy (, May 04, 2002.

Scott, Did you clean all the battery contacts too? Sometimes they look clean, but have a thin layer of crud that keeps them from working. Good luck, Kirby

-- Kirby Chilton (, May 04, 2002.

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