Does this mean that she is not a virgin either? : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Oooooo...Britney caught smoking...News at 11!

Thoughts? Anyone?

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002


"Smoking and drinking isn't what Christ wanted. It is disobedient," Kelly told Heat magazine.

That quote is hilarious on so many levels...

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

I'll give the over/under on Britney's Playboy spread (pun intended) at 2.5 years from now.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Hi MATH+1 folk!

I saw that picture earlier today and damned if I didn't have the hardest time trying to ascertain if Brit was actually holding a smoke. I smoke like a beagle in a laboratory; I know someone holding a smoke. She just doesn't look like she is.

Anyone have a clearer shot of the pic? Other than than the NYPOST one?

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

I like that the priest wants her to CONTINUE being a good exmple of what a Baptist is.

So Baptists, as a rule, like to dance with live snakes while clad in such a manner that only FCC regulations keep their body parts off of network TV??

And after being a smoker for 16 years I can tell you, she has a cigarette in her right hand.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

I must issue a big "well-duh" to that. Anyone who's seen a photo of Britney without make-up can tell she smokes. Her skin screams it.

I for one am glad she's embracing her NASCAR roots, since there's no escaping them.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Alas, I have never seen young Britney sans makeup ... that would be the first place to look! That's for sure ...

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Hannah, how can you tell by her skin?

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Oh, Dawn, smoking ravages your skin. That's why Cameron Diaz has such awful skin - all the hard living she did in high school.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

To answer Dawn's question: Apparently not.

(Warning: link only works for me in Netscape.)

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

I can't believe I'm going to defend Britney, but oh well. You have to look at the dates of the interviews that she made the comments about abstinence and the dangers of smoking. She made a lot of those vows when she was 16/17 years old. I remember being 17 and claiming that I was going to wait to have sex until my wedding night and that smoking was a horrible, disgusting habit. I know my song changed drastically when I turned 19 or so. I just chalk it up to Britney no longer being a girl...but not yet a woman. *gag*

Now if we can only get her to admit that the boobies are not real.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Now if we can only get her to admit that the boobies are not real.

Did you see The Mystery of Britney Spears' Breasts? Definately a new wonder of the world.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

Man, you were a good seventeen year old.

I skipped class to go on the "route" and "burn one" with whoever I could find in the hallway after the bell rang for second and fifth periods.

I'm going to hell.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2002

I think I am too naive, I always thought that Cameron Diaz looked that way because of too much sun exposure. The funny thing is that I look at my mom who has been an on/off smoker for 40 years and she has absolutely beautiful skin for a woman in her late 50's. But, she also was never a sun worshipper. I guess the combo of sun and smoke makes for a hard looking woman because neither Britney or Cameron are old enough to look as hard as they do.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2002

I guess the combo of sun and smoke makes for a hard looking woman because neither Britney or Cameron are old enough to look as hard as they do.

Bingo, Dawn. Britney also has the tell-tale "smoker's acne" because she almost always has patterned break-outs around her mouth. But the girl is 20, no way should she have 2-inch deep laugh lines.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2002

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