Contarex swap : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have been offered a swap for my Leica IIc of a Zeiss Contarex - (which I won't keep.). I understand that the serial number is important on Contarexes. Can anyone tell me where I can find a list on Contarex serial numbers and dates. If any of you know anything about these cameras, what should I look out for ? (It's a cyclops)

-- Tony Kinnear (, May 04, 2002


The best place to ask is Zeiss Ikon Collector Group at

-- martin tai (, May 04, 2002.

Hi Tony, Below is the serial number information you need ( from B.Otto ).In general , there are two types: 1 - early without interchangeable screens/data strip slot 2 - late with both of the above mentioned features also do an ebay search to get a feel for the going rates .

The first series of the Contarex was manufactured with an edition of 10.000 pieces under the set of numbers T 85001 - 95000 of September 1959 until November 1960 (Contarex A) . In order to bring little clarity into the Contarex family, it is said that to the set of numbers stated above further 5000 under Y 6001-11000, 5000 under Z 16001-21000 and 5000 under Z 46001-50404 was added (Contarex b) . For Zeiss Fanatiker it is mentioned that starting from the No. Y 10661 a firm rueckspulknopf and starting from Z 19101 noise suppression and a light limiter bolting device were introduced.

Later one manufactured three further Contarex remarks. The Contarex D under D 20501-21096 and D 21101-23604 by November 1963 until September 1964 one built. With these series one introduced the replaceable picture disk and the inscription mechanism. The following model Contarex e does not differ outwardly from the D-type E 12001 - 15000 and E 92001 - 94500 built Zeiss Ikon of July 1964 until November 1965. Within the two e-series internal construction changes are present. The curtain axle II was made adjustable.

The Contarex g type, which was planned by October 1965 until October 1966 with G 30501 - 35000, but delivered only to G 33500, made the conclusion. This last type had the switch for the lightning objectives, was however on the Beli not effective. Besides it is noticed that a small number of black painted Contarex cameras of Zeiss Ikon in the customer order were manufactured.

By September 1959 until October 1966 5 Contarex remarks (A/B/D/E/G) with a total number of items of 36004 were thus built.

Bernd K. Otto

-- leonid (, May 04, 2002.

Hi Bernd

Many thanks for your help.


-- Tony Kinnear (, May 04, 2002.

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