eldia for sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

any offer considered. like new condition, comes in a slightly battered box. buyer pays postage! nice addition to any leica collection. this is a device to produce 1:1 copies of your negatives or make your own black and white slides! very nicely crafted.

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), May 08, 2002


Hi Stefan,

not that I want one, but how are these supposed to work ? I have seen them sometimes, but still the only thing I know is that these are meant for copying film (slides / negatives). But even when seeing these I am unsure how to get it working correctly including a correct exposure.

-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), May 08, 2002.

FYI, I sold one on eBay about a year ago, mint, w/ box, for $25.

-- Patrick (pg@patrickgarner.com), May 08, 2002.

i never used it myself, because i do not have access to a proper darkroom. i am not really sure how it works, but it goes like that: you put a film into the eldia, best is a ortho-film that has no gray masking and can be used with safelight. you open the flap and align a negative with the window, then you close it. lay it under a enlarger or any other lightsource that can be timed and expose. that's the trial and error part. now develop the film and voilá: here is your slide.

no offers yet, keep them rolling.

-- stefan randlkofer (geesbert@yahoo.com), May 08, 2002.

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