Question about a camera : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Hello, any information anyone could provide would be very helpful. I recently saw a camera on a tv show, i dont know if it is even real but i would like to know what kind it was. It appeared to be an instant print, black and white, and you pulled the pictures out of the camera manually. This is basically all the info i can remember. I would like to know the brand and model if possible. Thank you.

-- Matthew Lewis (, May 08, 2002



Was it maybe one of the poloroid cameras that accept b&w film packs? I have used these and they also provide you with a great negative to use as well as the print. (I wasn't very happy with the print however) *****JoHanna

-- JoHanna (, May 10, 2002.

Almost certainly a Polaroid.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, May 13, 2002.

But if you want to get one, do it quick before Polariod stops making the film...

-- George Papantoniou (, May 22, 2002.

and then there's all the polaroid backs for (mostly) medium format cameras. which means it could be a hasselblad, a rollei, a .... well you get the point.

-- leo kuiper (, June 03, 2002.

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