High Schools

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

i`m wondering how i can find the high schools that were operating in the late 60's....and if they still have year books?

-- Nora Buchanan (TTaratots5852@aol.com), May 09, 2002


I found this site using "san francisco unified school district" "high schools" in google:


If you need an Acrobat reader to view the documents, the software is free. Go to: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

The SFUSD page has a list of the high schools currently in San Francisco, with a historical link for each. Remember that at some point middle schools and high schools divided up the student population, so you might check both categories. Many of the neighborhood branch libraries have copies of yearbooks, though not always for all years. (And remember that not every student is in the yearbook.)

I just tried entering "high school yearbook san francisco" into eBay and got a LOT of them for sale:

http://search-desc.ebay.com/search/search.dll? MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&ht=1&ebaytag1=ebayreg&query=high+school+year book+san+francisco&query2=high+school+yearbook+san+francisco&search_op tion=1&srchdesc=y&exclude=&category0=&minPrice=&maxPrice=&ebaytag1code =0&st=&SortProperty=MetaEndSort

-- Miz Rosa (rosadebon@yahoo.com), May 15, 2002.

In addition to the SF public schools, there were at least a dozen parochial high schools as well, many of which are now closed. You might want to try to contact the archdiocesan office for more info but I've not found them to be very responsive. Try this URL for a start: http://www.sfcatholicschools.org/schools.htm

Good luck... Linda

-- Linda Lou (wattybear@yahoo.com), September 03, 2002.

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