Summilux R 50 (E60) : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Thanks for all your comments !! So the current 'lux (E60) is in every aspect better (sharpnes, contrast...) than the 'cron 50/2! So would you recommend to upgrade to lux?Cris
-- Cris (, May 09, 2002
No. It is the equal of the Summicron at all equivalent apertures, except with the Summilux you have an extra stop and a very useable one at that. Is it worth paying over $1000 extra for this stop? Only you can answer this, we can't help you.
-- Robin Smith (, May 09, 2002.
Cris: Robin is correct. The price differential is far less if you buy second hand. The key however is your need of that extra f/stop. I have never regretted that extra expense.
-- Albert Knapp MD (, May 09, 2002.
I bought my 50 summilux for the R for around $1395 with passport. Separate the idea that its "just a 50" and you'll feel alot better about buying the best high speed lens made. Once you shoot it wide open you'll never go back. Very sharp AND no depth of field.Kirk
-- kirk tuck (, May 09, 2002.
Ok, I know now what you mean! Thanks for your help !
-- Cris (, May 09, 2002.
I thought the lux was better at the centre than the edges compared to the cron, which is very even throughout the neg?
-- Karl Yik (, May 10, 2002.