Noctilux Canada or German? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I heard all Noctilux lens including the latest version all made in Canada, but I thought Leica closed the Canada factory long time ago, anyone knows why? Thanks!!

-- Mitchell Li (, May 10, 2002


All Noctilux's come from Canada. They are all existing stock from before the Canadian factory was shut down.

-- Bob Todrick (, May 10, 2002.

Are there any German Noctilux that is made recently?

-- Mitchell Li (, May 10, 2002.

Ive read from different places that the current version is now German made, though most suppliers are still selling old stock which is from Canada.

-- Karl Yik (, May 10, 2002.

no one has ever seen a current production german noctilux. i don't think they are even set up to make them in germany.

-- roger michel (, May 10, 2002.

the Canadian factory was shut down

The Canadian facility was sold, not shut down. See

-- Douglas Herr (, May 10, 2002.

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