gallery frames : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Does anyone know of a good source for basic black gallery frames in various dimensions at reasonable prices? I'm looking for frames and glass. Thanks.

-- Bruce MacDougall (, May 10, 2002


Get a catalog from 'Documounts' @ 800-769-5639.


-- Christian Harkness (, May 11, 2002.

Light Impressions by far has some of the best prices. They have black metal and wood that can be ordered in custom sizes. The only problem I have had with them is quality control where the corners of their wood frames are joined. Don't hesistate to return inferior quality, as then need to improve their process. But be aware if you are on a schedule that they often don't get their wood frames right the first time. I seem to have to always send most of them back at least once. Look for a 15 percent off coupon or a free shipping offer. Further discount start once you order at least 10 frames (I order with other photographers and generally get good discounts of about 25 to 30 percent off already reasonable prices).

As far as glass is concerned, the cheapest is to find a local supplier and cut your own. Some frame shops that cater to artists/photographers can sell you bulk glass in standard size (which you can then cut, especially if you order frames not in "standard" sizes (I order the frame to fit what I want to present not the other way around).

If you are really doing a lot of this, you will need to get a good matt cutter with a glass cutting attachment. You will save money in just a short period of time. I would recommend getting the Simplex 750 or something like that. The cheaper versions are a real pain, and don't have a glass cutting attachment or a squaring arm. B&H is probably the best source for this.

-- Jim Rock (, May 11, 2002.

Jim, I think the prices at Documount and United are much better.


-- Christian Harkness (, May 12, 2002.

I'll check it out. Always ready to find a better supplier. I found Documounts on the web, but how do I get in touch with United?

-- Jim Rock (, May 12, 2002.

Jim, here is their web site. They are a wholesaler & you will need a tax number to do business with them:

Hope this helps.


-- Christian Harkness (, May 13, 2002.

I use simple black frames purchased from either Walgreens or Hobby Lobbly for displaying my prints at home. The frames are plastic and come in all standard sizes. Just pop out the glass, insert the print, cover with a mat, pop the glass back in, and hang on the wall. They have a hole in the back for mounting either vertically or horizontally, so you don't have to mess with wires and such when hanging them.

-- Dwane (, May 13, 2002.

Bruce, I recently needed about 40 metal frames for a show. I found a source which, as far as I know, has the cheapest prices anywhere. The quality of the corners is probably the main concern when purchasing frames. These compared favorably to most other sources I've dealt with. Their web site is


-- Robert Thomas (, May 26, 2002.

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