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Should i buy a older M or a Hexar or Voigtlander new R2 limited budget.
-- allen herbert (, May 11, 2002
Simple. Very limited budget, Voigtländer R2, rather limited budget, Hexar (with potential lens comptability problems, it seems), limited budget, M4-2, M2, M3... No?
-- Olivier (, May 11, 2002.
most places are selling the mounting stocks of used m6 bodies for $1100 or so.
-- roger michel (, May 11, 2002.
Depends whether you think the camera is just a light tight box with film and lens at opposite ends or a nice piece of machinery that is a joy to use. If the latter, buy an older M.
You didn't say what your first body is, if you already have an M (which I suspect you do) then by all means try a R2 or Hexar for a different experience.
For that really funky feel, try a Lomo Smena ($12 from Freestyle) Lens included. Decent optics too. 8-)
-- Fred Sun (, May 11, 2002.
Allen, as I've mentioned in previous related posts, my experience with the Hexar has been less than pleasant. I got it for the higher top speed with Lux lenses. But I've experienced loading problems with films that were out of their cartritages. Get an older M6.
-- Marc Williams (, May 11, 2002.
Hi Allen, You didn't say what your primary body is. The second body should compliment the first. I would on a limited budget buy an older M body. The only metered body I own is an M5 which is my ultimate M body. Even if it is ugly. I would look for a good user M4-2 or M4- P which should be found for around $800.00 or less. I use an M4-P as a back up body for my M5 and an M3 for my 135 mm lens. The .72 viewfinder is probably your best overall choice for the bulk of your lenses. If you wear glasses, the 28mm frameline will be tough but the 35 through 90 will be very usable. I tend to dedicate certain bodies for specific lenses so that is why I said to pick a body that will compliment what you already have. A Leica M body will hold it's value and can always be repaired. In the long run, it's a better value IMHO.
-- Dave Saalsaa (, May 12, 2002.
Alan, the R2 is a good choice if you would like something new or need the higher speeds but with you being a dedicated Leica fan, you may also consider a Leica CL. Same base length as the R2 but it is a very compact M and fast loading. So not only does it offer use as a second body, there may be situations where you just want to take one lens and keep things light. It has frame lines for a 50mm lens which I think you have already if i remember correctly. Just watch out for meter probs when shopping.
-- Joel Matherson (, May 13, 2002.
You didn't say what your primary body isM6 with 35/50/90mm.1 have heard too many bad reports on the Hexar althought i respect Francios views.I do not want to get involved in repair costs on a older M.The Voigtlander R2 seems the best bet but i have not read many actual users views.So it is a case of either taking a gamble now on the R2 or saving for another M6.Love to hear from any new R2 users.
-- allen herbert (, May 14, 2002.