The "blue" kit. : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Has anyone bought the "blue" kit yet from the site yet? I don't have 10 grand burning a hole in my pocket, but then again, this really isn't a bad deal when you look at what you're getting.

On the other hand, the colors don't really do it for me. Here's a pretty bike: (Dwight Mitchell, who posted here earlier about racing the TT). The yellow goes perfectly with the red in this case. Kind of a Ferrari take off. Neat. Still, going all carbon would be pretty trick and that kit is all carbon...

If I had that much extra laying around (the price of the kit) I'd probably, oh, buy that BMW R1150R I've been thinking about... Or something like that...

-- Andy Ruhl (, May 12, 2002


Sorry Andy I have not purchased the "blue kit" but I would be interested in hearing about the purchasing experience of anyone who has purchased from the site. That is, delivery time, any billing problems, quality of the goods and so on.


Duncan Laidlaw

-- (, May 12, 2002.

The "blue kit" is beautiful. My friend has been salivating over that kit ever since he stumbled on it several months ago. The site also notes that there are only 50 units of the "blue kit" available and each one is autographed by Tamburini. The only way that my friend can feasibly get that kit however is if he finds a (I hate to say this) salvaged MV inexpensive enough so that the cost of the kit $10,000 dollars and the salvaged bike cost around that of a perfect condition MV. If you have not gotten a chance to look at this kit, take the time to look. The website has a nice presentation of the kit and it is absolutely gorgeous.

-- Pete Golding, Jr. (, May 15, 2002.

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