Low Cost Emergency Power to rescue passagers from elvetaotsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread |
We are interested in linking up with companies involved with elevator installation/upgrade & repair to market a low cost power source(battery) for Passenger Rescue in case of a power outage Application, small buildigs where a Diesel GenSet is not economical
-- Ray Conway (boguesys@aol.com), May 12, 2002
How low is the cost and what features will the unit incorporate? There are already several companies offering these products. Do some research before you spend your money tooling up.
-- (sprocket80@hotmail.com), May 14, 2002.
Hi Ray,I have installed plenty of rescue units for elevators..e-mail me if you need some info...Dan w
-- dan W (danotis@aol.com), March 08, 2003.