week of May 13

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Hello, hello.

Why yes, I AM still unemployed.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002


What's up, all?

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002

How's the wedding planning, Mike? Work?

With no more bermanation we groupies get lost and lonely wondering what you're up to.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002

Groupies. I remember when I had groupies...

The wedding planning is going OK. I have to get started on the honeymoon, though ... we're thinking Hawaii. I'm thinking travel agent.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2002

I'm sure T will be able to give you some good hints in just 2 weeks!

Is anyone else having trouble with YahooMail? It's sucking ass AGAIN.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002

Hello? Is this thing on?

It's Friday! A week from now we'll be in New Orleans!

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

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