Ektar 127 lens cells and shutters-Interchangeable?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I've searched around a bit and couldn't find this topic. Does anyone know whether the threading for the Ektar 127 4.7 Supermatic shutter is the same as that of the Synchro-Compurs? Both shutters were stock for Ektar 127 4.7 lenses at different times, on different cameras, and I'm wondering whether cells taken from one shutter will fit the other.Thanks!
-- Paul Crow (pcrow@calarts.edu), May 13, 2002
The lens cells are different sizes and threads and are not interchangeable between the Supermatic and Compur shutters.SKG
-- Steve Grimes (skgrimes@skgrimes.com), May 14, 2002.