Wanted: Artist/painter

greenspun.com : LUSENET : barter board : One Thread


I'm looking for someone to paint a picture on an old piece of rough board I saved from the eaves of a stone smokehouse I restored. I either want it to be of the stone house, or maybe the farm house?

Tell me what you want in trade or green.


-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002


Judy, My 16 yo daughter is an excellent artist. I am in PA. Email me if you want to exchange info.

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2002

Hi, I'm an artist type also. I have a site I'm working on with a few examples...not my better stuff, but gives some idea....lets see, maybe look at the "Painting on floor,(concrete)" or "Painting, landscape." There are a couple nudes, though, so enter at your own risk.

I'd be willing to trade, or try and work something out if you are interested. :)

My site

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002

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