True Devotion to Mary book : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I bought and received the book True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis De Montfort yesterday.

I was wondering if anyone else here had read it and if so, what did you think of it? And what can you tell me about St. Montfort?

Thanks and God bless

-- Jackiea (, May 14, 2002


To the top, please.

-- Jackiea (, May 14, 2002.


He was born in Montfort France on 1-31-1673, died in 1716. He had much dificulty as a Chaplain and Priest but he became noted for his writings on Mary and the Rosary under Pope Clement in Rome. In 1715, he organized several Priests into a grouptheat developed into the Missionaries of the Cmpany of Mary. He died at Saint-Laurent-dur- Sevre, France and was Canonized in 1947, April 28. I got this from the Dictionary of Saints by John J. Delaney (Doubleday).


-- Fred Bishop (, May 14, 2002.

This is a very fine book indeed. There is an International Group which recites the Rosary 24 hours a day based out of Texas I believe.

-- Jean Bouchard (, May 14, 2002.


Read that book many times, treasure it, there is not a more beautiful book, in my opinion, written about Mary. He deals with Marian theology in one of the most beautiful and prosaic ways. He teaches and inspires at the same time. I was never fully aware of the responsibilities one had in being a true Catholic until I read that book. Sometimes you cannot help shedding tears of love and joy after reading a single sentence. It was due to St. Louis De Montfort that I have such a strong devotion to Our Lady, and consecrated myself to her entirely through his method. In fact, John Paul II's love for Our Lady is also due to that book.

I would recommend all of St. Louis De Montfort's books, especially Secrets of the Rosary. That too, is a powerfully, inspiring book. One cannot help wanting to pray countless rosaries after reading but one story from the many in that book.

As you can tell, I am greatly indebted to St. Louis De Montfort for bringing me and teaching me about Our Lady, had it not been for his little book, I cannot say if I would even be Catholic today.

BTW, I would also recommend Devotion to Our Lady by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI. It is almost a True Devotion for today, and seems to pick right up where De Montfort left off, if that is even remotely possible!

God Bless

-- Brian (, May 14, 2002.

Thank you for the answers. I've begun reading it and can see how one would be so inspired. :)

God bless~

-- Jackiea (, May 15, 2002.

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