WTT: 90mm Tel-Elmarit for a 135mm Tel-Elmaritgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
If you have a 135mm Tel-Elmarit with a builtin shade and is willing to trade for 90mm Tel-Elmarit, let me know. I am willing to work out any reasonable price difference. Thanks.Regards, Chi
-- Chi H (chihuang@yahoo.com), May 14, 2002
Chi, I have a 135mm f2.8 Tele-Elmarit with a built-in shade. I might be willing to trade. Tell me more. Respond off-list if you like.
-- Dave Jenkins (djphoto@vol.com), May 15, 2002.
Chi:I read your request and looked up in my books what you are looking for. The 135 Tele-elmar is f:4.0 and shaped like a normal lens. The 135 Elmarit is not a TELE but is a 2.8. The 135 Elmarit has the goggles or auxilliary viewing attachment and is quite bulky. Which lens are you looking for?
-- Mark Johnson (logical1@catholic.org), May 15, 2002.
Sorry for the confusion and thanks Mark for clearing things up. I am looking for the f4 tele-elmar with a built-in shade. The lens weight is an issue for me and I prefer the lighter one. Thanks.
-- Chi H (chihuang@yahoo.com), May 15, 2002.