Kodak 105/4.5 Anastigmat

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Can anyone tell me the image circle of the 105mm f/4.5 Kodak Anastigmat? The particular example I am thinking of was made in 1939. I believe that it is uncoated but am more concerned as to the image circle. If anyone has any usability comments, I'd appreciate that, too. Thanks!


-- Mike Sherck (msherck@aol.com), May 17, 2002



The Kodak Anastigmat was a Tessar type lens found most often on their 6x9 rollfilm cameras. If it is typical Kodak it will be a good quality item. Make a stiff card lensboard up and see what image circle you get from it.

-- colin (cicarron@aol.com), May 18, 2002.

Actually, I haven't bought it yet. It's an E-bay thing... :)

-- Mike Sherck (msherck@aol.com), May 18, 2002.


If you cannot actually see the thing then I would exercise a bit of caution. I acquired a slightly longer version of this lens on a 1920's Kodak Autographic. The lens looked fine and covered 4x5 but the images were very soft focus indeed. Fortunately the camera itself was unusual being an early Kodak rangefinder so I was able to flog it to a collector for a modest profit.

-- colin (cicarron@aol.com), May 19, 2002.

My Kodak Lens data guide (1959) has the 105 f4.5 Anastigmat as a three eliment Cooke type covering 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 ... Hope this helps.. Mike

-- Mike Phifer (pmikecathy@aol.com), May 19, 2002.

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