CLA and focus stiffness : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

does a CLA for a lens reduce focus stiffness? my recently acqired summicron 35 is a tad stiff, a bit more than my summilux, that i bought new. though it very smooth, i would just prefer it to be a bit faster to twist. do they usually exchange the oilfilm on the helicoil at a CLA?

-- stefan randlkofer (, May 19, 2002


i must add that the stiffness is equal throughout the whole focus range.

-- stefan randlkofer (, May 19, 2002.

what´s the temperature there, you can put the lens near a oven to see if heat helps, just an idea!

-- r watson (, May 19, 2002.

Careful now. Don't put it IN the oven.

-- Marc Williams (, May 19, 2002.

i had an 8-element cla'd, it was stiff (but consistent resistance), but i liked it that way. i like to focus horiz. and if i take a vert. shot, if i'm not careful i'll bump the ring sometimes, especially w/tele lenses.

it came back much looser.

-- steve (, May 19, 2002.

I recently had my Noctilux loosened, but it doesnt seem much different (in fact I wonder if anything was done at all!). The 35s though are usally quite loose anyway, but this seems to be an inconsistancy amongst Leica lenses, as I have tried some new 24 elmarits ASPH as well, majority of which are too stiff, though I have come across the odd one that feels 'right'.

-- Karl Yik (, May 20, 2002.

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