replacement leica R6. : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Which one is the replacement of R6.2? Some rumors? Thanks. Stefano

-- stefano (, May 19, 2002


i think there won't be a replacement. just the r8 from here.

-- stefan randlkofer (, May 19, 2002.

Given that Leica has gone to a battery-dependent electronic shutter in the M series, the chances of a new mechanical-shutter R body doesn't seem very likely. If anything, better hope that Leica is channeling their R&D funds into a solution to let R users have a digital option, before the market jumps ship entirely. The R system doesn't benefit from the same large following of nostalgists and contrarians as the M system.

-- Jay (, May 19, 2002.

the contrarians and nosalgists get all the air time -- what about us luddites, jay??

-- roger michel (, May 19, 2002.

I hope that Leica will introduce an improved R6.2, but I fear they won't. This is why the R6.2 will remain in demand for as long as there are people around who like the R optics.

-- Robin Smith (, May 20, 2002.

It and the number of other discontinued R bodies around. If Leica thought discontinuing the R6.2 would spur sales of the R8 it was a foolish move.

-- Jay (, May 20, 2002.

I think lack of R6.2 sales is the reason for its demise. I don't expect a new mechanical R body will ever be introduced.

-- Bert Keuken (, May 21, 2002.

stefano! leica discontinues R 6.2 because the contract with seiko ends. the shutter came from seiko. there will be no replacement.

-- peter lueck (, May 21, 2002.

The price of R6.2 is now $300 more than R8s. This may well be the last and some ways the best reflex Leica made.

-- Robin Smith (, May 24, 2002.

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