How rare is my Schneider Xenotar/TECHNIKA 150mm f/2.8? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I've recently obtained a Schneider Xenotar/ TECHNIKA 150mm f/2.8 lens on a Compur 3 shutter. Does anyone know when these were made and how rare they might be?Thanks in advance,
Andy Baugnet
-- Andrew Baugnet (, May 20, 2002
Check the serial number of the lens on the Schneider page.
-- Bob Salomon (, May 20, 2002.
Rare enough to fetch between 5 and 6 hundred bucks on Ebay if it's in near perfect optical condition with no seperations or molds or cloudiness. Legend is that these had such a high resolution that government resolution tests were classified. Makes a great legend and I'd love to know if that's just wive's tale or if it could be supported in some way. Anybody remember? Indeed I have 4 in the cupboard in "photosonic ruggedized mount" that we use on our high speed (360 frames per second) 35mm movie cameras. Obviously half frame 35mm barely uses the sweetest spot right out of the middle of this lenses circle. Mine are all earlier and in a thread that would fit Compur #2, not #3. Yours may be later since it's in #3. The #2 mount was obsoleted late '60's or early '70's. It is the same formula as Zeiss Planar I believe, which rarely grows past 100mm. All that said, and legend and aura aside, I'd be surprised to learn it would out-perform or even equal a Sironar S which is a LOT more convenient for real world use in Copal 0.
-- Jim Galli (, May 20, 2002.
Kingslake has the patent date of the Xenotar as 1952. It is a five- element Gause design as are the Zeiss Planars....
-- Mike Phifer (, May 20, 2002.
The asking price for these lenses has gone from $800 to $1450 in the last year or so;at least in the ads by Lens and Repro in View Camera Magazine.
-- asher galloway (, May 20, 2002.
Don't know anything about the lens, but, hey, Andy...didn't know you were on the forum. How's things?
-- Rob Tucher (, May 24, 2002.