anyone ever look at the list of other public fora : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

on mr. greenspun's lusenet? they include sites devoted to: "raising rabbits for meat," "marin urology" (check out the first thread there -- yipes!!), "heath ledger [who's he??] fan site," and a hedgehog site. puts our own fanatial interest in perspective. by the way, there are several other camera site apart from this one and the well-know LF and MF sites.

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002



There is also one devoted to punctuation and capitalizing. I forgot the address, though.

-- Olivier (, May 20, 2002.


In all seriousness, do you know if there is such a site? I always completely skip over contributions (like Roger's) in these forums that ignore capitalization, but I always feel I should provide those contributors with a link rather than directly criticizing them. Much obliged, if so.

. . . . . .

-- Terry (, May 20, 2002.

Terry, sorry, it was just a little joke. I don't know of such a site, but I have to admit being a little aggravated by a lack of basic punctuation and capitalization. Roger is not alone. It's spreads out like a disease. I don't know if it's laziness or ignorance (I doubt it) but, hey guys, do you have any idea how difficult it is to read a post that does not follow these basic rules? ;-)

-- Olivier (, May 20, 2002.

just helping you keep your grey matter in trim. and while i do eschew capitals (a very modern innovation i can, as an anglo- saxonist, assure you), my punctuation is generally sound. i do tend to type these messages at about the limit of my typing ability, and don't proofread all that vigorously. we're not writing for the ages. as for a site to which to direct miscreants like me, the MLA has quite a good one.

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002.

Olivier, we should be thankful that we aren't reading Roger's stuff in German! ;<)

-- Andrew (, May 20, 2002.

are you kidding -- you can get away with much more with inflected languages. heck, then i wouldn't even have to about word order worry!

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002.

Of course, roger, (you do prefer you name written that way, right?) you must like German even more than I think since it allows you to save even more typing with all those omitted spaces!

-- Andrew (, May 20, 2002.

Imagine roger writing in German without any capitization, diacritical marks or word order....the guy surely likes a smallest possible audience. ;-)

-- Andrew (, May 20, 2002.

have to keep the lads up in hermeneutics busy you know!!

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002.

to briefly detour on-topic on the off-topic thread, i strongly encourage the bored to click on "lusenet" above, scroll down to the "active forums" area, and click onto "ask a drunk." the level of comic ability is prodigious and puts our own phill to shame. i must admit that some of the exchanges sail above my head, and so i apologize in adavance if the material is subversive/lewd/addictive. i just wasn't sure what to make of it.

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002.

Okay, guys, roger doesn't seem to be on his way to amendment, so I gues we'll just have to leave him at his «modern innovations» and just pass his posts. Too bad, though, he has quite a bright mind, but, as McLuhan once said, «the medium is the message.» Message received, roger :-)

-- Olivier (, May 20, 2002.

Here's an amusing, May 20, 2002.

Wow, can anyone else do that?! ;o)

What I was trying to say is that there's an amusing style guide at the Economist web site:

Cheers, Angus

-- Angus Macniven (, May 20, 2002.

someone back up there somewhere asked about punctuation websites. since it started off-topic we might as well take it as far as possible. who knows, it might mutate back to photography or something....

Sharon Colon's Apostrophe Page. Dedicated to the documenting the abuse of the apostrophe in the English language. Apostrophe catastrophe's.... (yeah, i did it on purpose. why no caps? cuz i get lazy. :)

-- Carey Russ (, May 20, 2002.

in my favor, i must say that i am very stingy with my apostrophes (- phae??). m6s are always m6s, never m6's. the latter really vexes me so i can at least empathize with the frustration over my lack of capitals.

-- roger michel (, May 20, 2002.

Angus, much of the Economist Style Guide seems to be based on an outdated dictionary. Quite disappointing for this well-respected journal. They even sell a hard-copy version. What a shame.

-- Andrew (, May 21, 2002.

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