Scanning 4x5 Polaroids : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

How large can 4x5 B&W ISO100 Polaroid prints be scanned and printed, and still look reasonably good? I know this is subjective, but I've seen 4x5 Polacolor prints that are quite acceptable when reproduced photographically as 16x20 dye transfers. TIA

-- Bill (, May 20, 2002


C'mon out there, you aren't trying! I was curious about this, too. Can't somebody send an answer?

-- Wayne Campbell (, May 22, 2002.

I've scanned 4x5 polaroids and printed them out 20x24 (epson) and they look really nice, they are not tack sharp but very nice. I use a epson 1100 flatbed, the big trick is to keep dust from sticking to them when they are drying, not some much a prob for b/w which dry very fast but big concern for slow drying color. Give it a try it won't hurt.

-- doug (, May 22, 2002.

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