I don't understand this!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Few days ago, I posted a message about my M6 TTL and Noticlux having alignment problem, today I try my Summilux and Summicrom 50mm on the same body, the rangefinder seems aligned, I also try the 90mm and 28mm 35mm Summicrom, no problem whatsoever, so sounds like there are some problems with the Noticlux, right? not yet, when I put the Noticlux on to my M7 body, the rangefinder aligns 100%, no problem at all, now I am confused, anybody out there have any idea what is going on here? Thanks!!

-- Jia Shi (bbestbuy@sohu.com), May 23, 2002


How are you measuring it as being aligned?

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), May 23, 2002.

I focus some object far away from a moutain, about 2-3 miles away.

-- Jia Shi (bbestbuy@sohu.com), May 23, 2002.

Jia; your M6 TTL and M7 may be both aligned correctly at infinity; but one of the camera bodie's cam arm length maybe too short or too long... This gives a misfocus when the lens is focused closer than infinity...The misfocus is worst at minimum focus..

-- Kelly Flanigan (zorki3c@netscape.net), May 23, 2002.

Hum - so you are saying the problem has gone away or that the Noctilux is still out on the M6? I once had a lens mounting flange that was loose - caused the infinity to be on and off till I fixed it.

-- Johann Fuller (johannfuller@hotmail.com), May 24, 2002.

Jia: Before we conclude there is some voodoo going on, I'd like to know how how all your lenses besides the Noctilux focus on the M7. I'd also like you to repeat all your tests, to make sure the results are consistent from trial to trial.

-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), May 24, 2002.

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