FS 35-70/4.0 Vario Elmar ANIB

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I went into the shop to buy the new 21-35/3.5-4.0 zoom and came out with a 35-70/4.0 as well. My wife cannot understand how this could happen. Pointing out that I had resisted the 80-200 zoom did not help.

Sell: 35-70/4.0 Leica Vario Elmar ROM lens (aspherical element). Bought late March 2002, mounted on R8 to test functions (perfect)and never used. Serial No 383xxxx, complete with caps, hood, case, box, instructions and 2 year factory guarantee. Indistinguishable from new, perfect, flawless. US$775 and I will pay postage and insurance.

Please contact me directly if interested.

-- wayne murphy (wmurphy@powerup.com.au), May 23, 2002


Hehehe, you are funny!

-- Mitchell Li (mitchli@pacbell.net), May 23, 2002.

Wayne: Keep the lens and ask your wife if she can consider it as a future purchase (say next years' gift). the lens is great and it would be most unfortunate to see you part with it when you will eventually purchase another one anyway.

-- Albert Knapp MD (albertknappmd@mac.com), May 28, 2002.

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