Pagin Robin Smith about the book on : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Robin, you had written:I have a good book on the CL published in 1973/4 or thereabouts by Theo Kisselbach. I used it when I had my CL. It is yours for $10 plus shipping if you are interested. It has pretty well everything you would want to know about the CL and how it fits into the then Leica line.
-- Robin Smith (, May 21, 2002.
I tried to email you. I'm still interested. Cheers. Xavier.
-- Xavier d'Alfort (, May 24, 2002
Xavier,You should be able to buy this book as a reprint at
They also sell a copy of the manual.
-- J. Hildebrand (, May 24, 2002.
Thanks for the tip.I'll write them to know if the manual is in English. Actually, My German is non-existant.
Cheers. Xavier.
-- Xavier d'Alfort (, May 24, 2002.
XavierI sent you an email - did you get it?
-- Robin Smith (, May 24, 2002.
Yes Robin I received your mail and answered it.It looks like Linderman has a german copy of the CL's book.
Cheers. Xavier.
-- Xavier d'Alfort (, May 25, 2002.