Leica User Sighting

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Friday afternoon I was walking near Grand Central Station in NYC and saw a guy "street shooting" with a black M6 and 35mm (think it was a Lux)...carrying a black bag (looked like a Domke 803). I was with people and in a hurry so I didn't get to stop him to talk. He was probably late 30's, slim and 6' or better, bearded...anyone we know?

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), May 27, 2002


Yeah I know him, he still owes me money! ;-)

-- Bert Keuken (treb@operamail.com), May 27, 2002.

did he have a patch over his left eye and a peg leg??

-- roger michel (michel@tcn.org), May 27, 2002.

Yeah, last I saw of him he was just just outside the Ferry Building. He owes me monney too!

-- Bill Carson (KE7GMx@cs.com), May 27, 2002.

That was me!


-- Dexter Legaspi (dalegaspi@hotmail.com), May 27, 2002.

Well the is one person who we all know it "isn't"!!!

-- Charles (cbarcellona@telocity.com), May 27, 2002.

Wierd, I saw a guy in the same area on Sunday, but this guy wasn't slim, and had two M cameras. Hard to tell what they were from across the street, though. There was a street fair going on around Times Square. NYC is such a great street photography city. Now I'm back in Denver, wah.

-- Ken Geter (kgeter@yahoo.com), May 27, 2002.

Wierd, I saw a guy in the same area on Sunday, but this guy wasn't slim, and had two M cameras. Er... there are eight million people in this city. Quite a few of them happen to be Leica owners. So it's not so weird to see more than one Leica out on the street.

-- Hadji (hadji_singh@hotmail.com), May 27, 2002.

Leica M6, and Rs are quite common camera, I have seem them in Toronto, in Niagara Falls, in Algonquim Park, or streets in Paris, in Lucern, it Prague, in Munich, London ...

I have yet to see another photographer with a Minox 8x11 camera.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), May 27, 2002.

Just happened to be there myself in the vicinity at the same time (with my black TTL, 2/35, beard, 6', slim, very late 30s) and saw the guy too. I thought it was Jay, though.

-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), May 28, 2002.

OK, so:

- Munich, Bavaria, late December 2001: guy with M2 or M3, 50 'cron, and 90 Elmar or Elmarit, shooting during requiem in St. Bonifaz

- Munich, Bavaria, mid-May: guy with black M6 (couldn't identify the lens) in bottom half of everready case in Herz-Jesu-Kirche, lending his camera to child for one frame

- Munich, Bavaria, Saturday May 25, approx. 0740h a.m.: male white, approx. 30 yrs., approx. 5'9", slim, bald head, washed-out denim trousers and jacket, M6 on neckstrap (didn't bother to check the lens)

Anyone feel spotted :-) ?

-- -- (Oliver.Schrinner@campus.lmu.de), May 28, 2002.

Are you guys secret Leica-User stalkers then? ;]

-- Karl Yik (karl.yik@dk.com), May 28, 2002.

- Munich, Bavaria, Sunday May 12, 1030-1130 a.m., Church of Rosenkranzkönigin in Neubiberg, Kommunionsfeier: male white, 43 yrs., slim, 6'1", semi-bald head, dark grey suit, blue tie, M3 + 50 Summicron loaded with T400CN, Pentax + 1.4/85 loaded with Portra 400, both cameras set to f4 and 1/60, no flashes...

-- George (gdgianni@aol.com), May 28, 2002.

OK, let's make it easier.
If anyone spots this entity, that's me.

-- -- (Oliver.Schrinner@campus.lmu.de), May 28, 2002.

Typical for the first try.

-- -- (Oliver.Schrinner@campus.lmu.de), May 28, 2002.

That's been you in Hellabrunn ?

-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), May 28, 2002.

Sure. Safe place for the night, free food... what else do you want?

Film is free, too. Who would chase a sloth that has just snatched all unexposed films from your gear bag?

-- -- (Oliver.Schrinner@campus.lmu.de), May 29, 2002.

Let's see, AGFA CT 100 ? Seems to meet the colors of that picture ;-) But at 1,50 EUR / roll the loss is quite neglegible.

-- Kai Blanke (kai.blanke@iname.com), May 29, 2002.

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