Summertime : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

What are your plans for the summer? Big vacation? Taking classes? Sitting by the dock of the bay drinking lemonade?

It's summertime. What you gonna do?

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002


We will be hosting our annual 4th of July party on June 29th...I know that does not seem to make a lot of sense, but actually, it does. There is a grand old retirement home right over the stream from our house and they put off a major fireworks display, usually a week before the 4th. You can see the fireworks clear as a bell from our backyard, so we host a huge cookout for the event. We provide the beer and wine, hamburgers and hot dogs and everyone else brings a dish. I have already had several people ask for the date (I have got to get out those damn invitations), so we are really looking forward to it.

October 5-12, we are Outer Banks bound. Renting a big old oceanfront house and taking our Yellow Lab for his 1st ever trip to the beach. My birthday is also that week so I am really looking forward to getting away. If I have to turn 32, I would rather be drunk in a hot tub full of friends and dogs (that sounds kinkier than it will be) in North Carolina.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

June 18-22: I have a work conference on Cape Cod. Because I'm a lucky gal.

June 22-23: Boston, visiting friends.

June 30th: My grandfather's headstone is revealed (July 3rd will be the anniversary of his death).

August 3rd or so: Moving, most likely.

August 22nd: Hopefully hosting a kickass 24th birthday party for my own self. Not sure what city it'll be in yet.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

I'm heading out to Boston for a little mini-vacation, packing for my August 1 move, and spending as llittle money as possible so my boyfriend and I can afford the Ralph Lauren paint for our new place, as well as the area rug, red hutch, and faux Tiffany lamp.

Thank God I live near water! Hitting the beach, thank God, is free.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

I will be jobhunting. The entire summer, if need be.

Assuming I find a job, I will be working at that the entire summer because I will not be eligible for any vacation or time off. Sucks ass.

Assuming I don't find a job, I would like to go back East to visit cousins, but I probably won't have the money to do it. Alternately, I'd like to visit my friend in San Luis for a weekend or so. That might be more feasible.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

Buying my 1st house June 21st. Poison concert June 22nd. I've hinted to my buds that I might cut my hair into a SuperMullet for the event. Playin baseball and waterskiing during the other non-working hours of the summer

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2002

I will arrive home from my year abroad on June 28th. If I haven't found a job by then, I will run around finding one ASAP, preferably something that is not in the retail sector. In early August, I might go to North Carolina for my high school best friend's wedding. And in early September, I go back to school for my senior year of college. Which reminds me of this summer's other fun activity: grad school research.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2002

I thought about going to Ohio, but dad already got tickets and well, I changed my mind. I'd rather have my cousin visit here and we can all hang out considering it's alot more fun over here...hahah. nothing is decided though; if she does, maybe by the end of June. that's when I'll get to hang out with my one friend again.

Besides those thoughts, no real big plans. I should make a summer project for mahself, so I don't get bored and play the apple game everyday...bwah.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2002

My plans include standing in the middle of the road, eating occasionally, and sleeping. Summer is prime time for road construction, and I will be in the middle of it. In fact, I have been for the last three weeks...graveyard shift and now that the project is over and I am home....I can't sleep. Hopefully we will get the job in Sun Valley at the end of the summer and I can spend my time up in the timber eating at very good, terribly expensive restaurants (on the company, of course,) and exploring the thrift stores that famous people donate stuff to.

Also, I will be trying to figure out a way to explain to my father that I am taking off to California with a guy after Labor day...

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2002

Buying my 1st house June 21st. Poison concert June 22nd. I've hinted to my buds that I might cut my hair into a SuperMullet for the event. Playin baseball and waterskiing during the other non-working hours of the summer.

Brian... if you do the super mullet and do not provide pictures for your fans here at MATH+1... well, that would be a shame indeed.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2002

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