What breed of duck swims underwater?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I recently got 4 ducks for my son. I know what breed 3 of them are, but the 4th I'm not sure on. It is a light tan color and its beak and feet are a dark brown. This duck swims completely underwater & we love it! I think its a Khaki Campbell, but I see no mention of the swimming at any of the websites I've visited. Also, does this breed fly & if so how and when should I clip its wings? Same for the Pekin breed also. Thank you.
-- jeanne wilson (sugarmag1002@aol.com), May 28, 2002
Why clip the wings? Unless they are mallards, they will not fly. I have seen our runners swim underwater for short periods. They don't stay underwter for very long though.
-- Rebekah (daniel1@itss.net), May 29, 2002.
You may try looking at www.feathersite.com They have pictures of just about any breed you can think of. Maybe someone can direct you to a good waterfowl forum.
-- John (jdoofus@hotmail.com), May 29, 2002.
I forgot about the waterfowl forum at www.poultryconnection.com If it's 1/2 as good as the chicken forum there, somebody will be able to help you.
-- John (jdoofus@hotmail.com), May 29, 2002.
all ducks can swim underwater,, some do prefer it more than others
-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), May 29, 2002.
I don't know what kind of duck you have - sounds pretty cool, though! We have muscovies, and we do clip their wings - or rather clip one wing. Before we did that, they would fly up on top of the chicken coop, which we thought was pretty neat. Then they started flying up on top of our porch and pooping all over it, which we didn't think was so neat! So, we clipped one wing on each of them. Sure was funny the next morning when they ran out of the barn and started to try to take off!
-- Cheryl in KS (klingonbunny@planetkc.com), May 29, 2002.