Unmetered 128 Kb ISDN access. Where the hell can I get it?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Paler.com discussions : One Thread

I currently have BT Home Highway which provides 128Kb dual isdn. great. I am dialing up to BT Anytime which offeres unmeted access @ 64 Kb. However if I want to dial up @ 128Kb I will be charged local rate, for 2 calls! (dual line) regardless of what package I am on.

Is there anywhere which will provide 128 Kb access for a flat rate?

Help! Am I doomed to an eternity of soul-destroying endless dowloading?

Broadband is too expensive for me at the mo :(

-- Liam (craddster84@hotmail.com), May 29, 2002


Apparently there are a few ISPs offering dual ISDN access:

Quikinternet: http://www.quikinternet.co.uk/128k/index.php
Vispa.net: http://www.vispa.net/products-anytimeplus.php
Giointernet: http://www.giointernet.com/unmetered/index.htm#isdnstandard
Trinite Anytime: http://www.trinite.co.uk/prods/anytime.htm

These were all found using Google, searching for "unmetered dual isdn uk": http://www.google.com/search?q=unmetered+dual+isdn+uk.

-- Michael Bluett (michaelbluett@despammed.com), June 09, 2002.

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