Leica M7

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

i am told Leica is about to announce the M7

Can anyone conferm this

what can you tell me about the features of the M7

-- Tom Hipple (thipple@aol.com), May 30, 2002


Where have you been lately? On Mars?

Check the Leica web site at http://www.leica-camera-usa.com/produkte/msystem/m7/index_e.html

The M7 PDF-file is here http://www.leica-camera-usa.com/imperia/md/content/pdf/msystem/37.pdf

-- Bert Keuken (treb@operamail.com), May 30, 2002.

Tom Hippie, you just made my day ;-)

-- H. Gurung (hgurung@mac.com), May 30, 2002.

He just made mine too, but Mr. Hipple may not like being called "Hippie" :-)

-- Ray Moth (ray_moth@yahoo.com), May 30, 2002.

All my apologies to Mr. Hipple. 8^)

-- H. Gurung (hgurung@mac.com), May 31, 2002.

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