The Corral : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Early morning saw the Andalusian stallion approach the opened area of the compound. Entering he sniffed about wondering what it's purpose was.

With a dignified yet gentle stride a man aproached him and gently explained the purpose being to gather his family to-gether and hold them in a safe structure.

The stallion pondered this wondering why he should be held safely and not allowed freedom of his life. Seeing the turmoil in the stallion the man asked - do you believe I want the best for you and will always watch over you? - Yes was the reply.

Laying his hands on the face of the staallion he then commanded - For your trust in me - run to the sea - run to the pine mountains - run to deserts - go with my blessings as you are my child of passion.

Run ahead of me with your heat and melt the shards of ice in men's hearts that have penetrated due to fear and pain. For I shall come after you with a healing love for them to trust also.

They like you shall be free due to trust. Run now little one.

-- Jean Bouchard (, May 31, 2002



Wonderful inspiration. Just some what in the same suitaion in my journey of faith.

Prayers & Blessings

-- Xavier (, May 31, 2002.

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