Kodak Lens Serial Numbers meaning?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Somewhere I had once seen an email explaining Kodak's serial number system and how to date their lens. Does any one have any info on this? Thanks
-- Beau Schwarz (ejschwarzjr@hotmail.com), May 31, 2002
C A M E R O S I T Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0For example RR = 55 or 1955 SY = 70 etc
-- clay harmon (wcharmon@wt.net), May 31, 2002.
Similarly, the code for Hasselblads is V H P I C T U R E S .
-- Mark Sampson (MSampson45@aol.com), June 04, 2002.