SOCCER WORLD CUP : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Yesterday I had a chance to watch on TV the inauguration of the World Cup and it is really extraordinary all the people that take part, the fascinating lighting, the music and choreography, the songs, the fireworks........ But something seems to be missing: if the whole world is watching this extraordinary event why our Church or all religions are not present, even with a small prayer at the beginning? I know that the different religions will be present somehow through their ministers. But wouldn't it be nice to have someone say a prayer in the name of all mankind for peace and world fraternal love? Or, maybe I'm just daydreaming?


-- Enrique Ortiz (, June 01, 2002



-- Enrique Ortiz (, June 01, 2002.

You are daydreaming, Enrique -- though it is a proper daydream for a Catholic.

What you wished for would be possible only through a miracle. Today, prayer would be called "politically incorrect." It would be considered potentially offensive to $pectator$ and player$ who are athei$t$. We mustn't disturb anyone's peace of mind, you see. No "guilt trips," you see.

God bless you.

-- (, June 02, 2002.

John , may I ask you why you put $ so many times in your response ??

Greets from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG. (, June 02, 2002.

Just aquestion !!

As I see the SWC , it's entertainment for people and for the players , their job !!

So , what's got religion to do with SOCCER WORLD CUP ??

Why always religion try to involve in anything ??

Sorry , I ask !!!!

Greets from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG. (, June 02, 2002.

Laurent: John replaced many 's' with '$' because that's how FIFA & co. see it--he paraphrased their writing. You remember that Disney cartoon guy with gleaming $ signs in his eyes whenever something promised financial gain? If they weren't so real and had so much impact on local economies, most soccer functionaries were even more comic.

Sure, soccer can be fun--if it just weren't taken so seriously! And, Laurent, if something's fun, why not ask Him to be present too? "We ask you, Lord, to be here and guide us through this event. Let us see that real fun has nothing to do with belittling others. Turn the hooligans' beer and the coaches' doping medications into water. Amen."

The fundamental difference was made clear by my parish priest last week. In soccer, only a few actually play, the others watch whereas "[t]he Eucharist is no spectator sport". You don't just watch Mass!

-- -- (unknown@a.nonymous), June 03, 2002.

About $$$$$$$$ ,

I know that to , without $$$$$$$$$ no $occer World Cup !!!!

Turn the hooligans' beer and the coaches' doping medications into water.

That would be nice !! __ Some people really think they need alcohol & drugs to have fun , that's rubbish !!

Greets from a NON BELIEVER:

-- Laurent LUG. (, June 03, 2002.


I actually think it would be a very nice thing to have prayers before the games. At the local Catholic high school football games there's always a prayer, and it's neat to see both the teams praying to the same God. Not that I'd expect them to be introspective about it, but it does show they have a higher goal than winning or losing a particular game.


-- Someone (, June 03, 2002.

No "Hail Mary" passes, I hope, Frank? [I don't like it when sportscasters use that term. It always seems semi-blasphemous.]

Mynheer Lug, I used dollar signs mainly to indicate that the promoters of the World Cup are interested in "big bucks," many of which they fear they would lose if they dared to allow a public spiritual display, such as prayer. Some would shut off the TV (or refuse to buy tickets), saying "There should be a wall of separation between church and sport." Others would tune out because prayer always seems to remind them of their sinfulness or of their flight from the existence of God.

May He bless you, even though you don't know that He exists.

-- (, June 03, 2002.

THE WORLD CUP FINISHED A FEW MINUTES AGO. At the beginning of this thread I was lamenting that God seemed to be absent in this world event. But it was touching and it moved me to tears to see the Brazilian team at the end of the game on their knees and thanking God for their triumph. What a testimony!!!!!! There is still hope for the world....

-- Enrique Ortiz (, June 30, 2002.

So, It was not a daydream after all!!!!!

-- Enrique Ortiz (, June 30, 2002.

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