Miss Congeniality strikes again!!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Troll-free Private Saloon : One Thread

Things have been somewhat boring at the Land of the Lard King lately. Same old crap; prayer requests for everything from dead cats to out of work nut bags, UFO sightings, and the normal cast of paranoid old women.

But wait!! What have we here?

The Pig Prince has struck again and disciplined one of his followers with a 1-week ‘time out’. Turns out that the goofy bitch Anita is smack dab in the middle of this little family squabble. Unable to keep her mouth shut, Anita appears to have developed quite the fan club over at FatOlsonLand.

My advise to her is if ANYONE would be willing to pay her almost $40K a year she better leap on that.

-- FatOlsonLand (home@2.fools), June 07, 2002


hotty hotlink

-- (lars@indy.net), June 07, 2002.

Dennis identifies Anita as a "closet conservative". Them thars "fightin words"!

-- (lars@indy.net), June 07, 2002.

Other sites are referring to her as Lard Bucket's Lady. Do you know what that means? What would Grant have said about this?


-- Ghost (ghost of@y2k.past), June 07, 2002.

You need a new hobby. Try the porn sites. Oh that's right, your little weenie isn't big enough to whack off.

-- (you're@dimwitted.simpleton), June 07, 2002.

Other sites are referring to her as Lard Bucket's Lady. Do you know what that means? What would Grant have said about this?


No, I don't know what this means. Is "SO" a fat-ass? Who is Grant?

-- (lars@indy.net), June 07, 2002.

who is buried at Grant's tomb?

-- (duh@duh.duh), June 07, 2002.

FatOlsonLand makes the Bush Bashers seem almost interesting in comparison.

-- dr. pibb (drpibb@new.formula), June 08, 2002.

I'm almost interesting...ah gee~~

-- Cherri (whatever@who.cares), June 08, 2002.

Cherri, you are interesting and intelligent. The problem is that the majority of the material you copy and paste from seems to come from the same template.

-- dr. pibb (drpibb@new.formula), June 08, 2002.

"The problem is that the majority of the material you copy and paste from seems to come from the same template."

LOL! Reminds of the conservo Repig Klintoon-haters! 99% of what they posted came from World Net Daily's jewboy Farrah who got sued for spreading lies and slander.

-- hee-haaaw (payback's@bitch.huh), June 08, 2002.

Farrah is not a Jewboy. He is an Arab-American boy.

-- (duh@duh.duh), June 08, 2002.

Same difference.

-- (lying@sand.niggers), June 08, 2002.

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